Wednesday, July 31, 2013


So I was all ready to launch tonight at midnight. . .

But then Amazon jumped the gun a bit and made my book live. . .

So. . .

We are launching NOW!

Here's the links where you can buy the book -

Don't have a Kindle? No problem. You can download the free app for your tablet, PC and even phone -  Just follow the link to and do a search for whatever device you need the app for.

So now you have absolutely NO reason not to buy this book right?!

On a serious note - I just wanted to thank everyone who has helped me in the last 5 months as I prepped for this moment. This is a dream come true. . .one that I've been chasing for a while. So thank you all for helping me get here. You know who you are!

Now go buy the book. . .read it. . .then tell me what you think!

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